Friday 7 November 2014

Pucca Update

Hoo, Somethings goin on 9 v 6

There will be an update coming soon, before the end of this year! Right now I'm sitting on page 99; I know I'll have page 100 finished by then, but I hope to shoot for more..
Wish me luck!

Thank you for your ongoing patience, if you're reading this! I appreciate it so much..! :->

The comic is going alright, and to tell you the truth, I've enjoyed being able to spend ages making up these pages; they've come out a lot better than when I drew them fast paced!
I use as much time as I can during class hours to create these, as little as they might be, I've managed to draw at least 3 pages! And am currently working on another 2 at the same time :-P

I have no doubts that you'll like what's coming~ So I hope you'll stay tuned :-)

Saturday 14 June 2014

Sneak Peek o v o

Here's a couple sneak peeks from the next bunch of pages~! ;->

Don't know if they're a great sneak peek, but I thought I should share something with you so you know the comic's still in production! :-)
And to follow that, hopefully this'll keep you warm till the pages are ready to submit! (Which will hopefully be within the next couple of weeks! But I can't determine that!) >3<

You can view the other pages, plus more art from me, on my DeviantArt profile! :-)

Thanks for viewing~! ^//v//^

Monday 9 June 2014

All Done~!

Finally finished! Been away for the past week and haven't had the chance to work on this ; v ; but now it's done so it's okay! :->
Hope it was worth the wait~ <3

Sunday 18 May 2014

Well! That's it for the flat colouring!
Now for the cleanup/detail stage! :'-) <-- is actually dying inside

Sunday 11 May 2014

The Lineart is finished! <3 gosh, took me a little while actually! x o x
Now on to the colouring! ; v ;

Just finished sketching this out! <3 now starting on the inking! ;->

What this is for, is totes a big surprise! 6 v 9 *giggles cheekily*
See if you can guess who everyone is by this sketch! ;-> though that shouldn't be too hard! (hopefully..) >3>; lolol

Sunday 4 May 2014

Another Update~

Ahh! I can't believe it, I totally forgot to update on here as well as my other accounts! >3< sorry~! <3

Just a few drawings I've worked on through the week, perhaps I should put a few work in progresses up here as well next time? Might separate this Blogger from my other pages; just to make it a little more unique! hehe

Anyway, here's my latest artwork! ^^

I'm also working on my Comic at the same time, so I might not update often with pictures like these, unless I work pretty fast ^//v//^
I recommend keeping an eye out for my Blogs, I will probably leave some updates with a few sneak peeks screenshots of pages of my Pucca Comic I have not yet submitted to dA! ;-)

Sunday 6 April 2014

Sharing My Posts

Thought I might share what's been going on on both my Tumblr, and DeviantArt page..!
I've recently created a Twitter as well, and have made that up to speed as well!

The fanfic I'm working on currently, is Pucca: What's Yours is Mine.
All about Pucca and Garu (naturally)
Now, I'd write the synopsis if it were finished, but it hasn't been completed just yet ; v ; I'll update fully once I've finished, but of now, it's a work in progress! ^^

What I've uploaded can be found on my DeviantArt page; but before you leave, I'll share the cover and some pages with you, so you can get a little taster :->

Hopefully this has gotten you at least curious about what's going on :-}
If you're interested in reading what's next, go ahead and follow the link to my dA!

The description has all the links following to each page; go ahead and click till you get to
the latest page! Feel free to tell me what you think of it! ^^

Cleaning Up My Blog!

Hey all~! I've decided to spread myself out a bit amongst an array of different websites ; v ;
First off, this one already existed; I'm revamping it to show my art and maybe share a little about myself a little more! ^^
(I actually made this account for an assignment during my studies back in 2012; I came back and thought I might as well recycle the poor thing!)

I'll post pretty much everything I share on Tumblr, DeviantArt and Twitter! :-D

In case you don't follow me on DeviantArt already, what I draw is mostly Bully and Pucca; the odd time I'll draw some other kinds of fanart, maybe even some original stuff!

Keep an eye out for my ongoing Pucca Comic!
And my currently on hold, Bully Comic! 

Anyway, to finish up my first short blog...Hi! and welcome to my cleaned up blogger! :-)

My DeviantArt:
My Tumblr:
My Twitter: