Friday 7 November 2014

Pucca Update

Hoo, Somethings goin on 9 v 6

There will be an update coming soon, before the end of this year! Right now I'm sitting on page 99; I know I'll have page 100 finished by then, but I hope to shoot for more..
Wish me luck!

Thank you for your ongoing patience, if you're reading this! I appreciate it so much..! :->

The comic is going alright, and to tell you the truth, I've enjoyed being able to spend ages making up these pages; they've come out a lot better than when I drew them fast paced!
I use as much time as I can during class hours to create these, as little as they might be, I've managed to draw at least 3 pages! And am currently working on another 2 at the same time :-P

I have no doubts that you'll like what's coming~ So I hope you'll stay tuned :-)