Friday 7 November 2014

Pucca Update

Hoo, Somethings goin on 9 v 6

There will be an update coming soon, before the end of this year! Right now I'm sitting on page 99; I know I'll have page 100 finished by then, but I hope to shoot for more..
Wish me luck!

Thank you for your ongoing patience, if you're reading this! I appreciate it so much..! :->

The comic is going alright, and to tell you the truth, I've enjoyed being able to spend ages making up these pages; they've come out a lot better than when I drew them fast paced!
I use as much time as I can during class hours to create these, as little as they might be, I've managed to draw at least 3 pages! And am currently working on another 2 at the same time :-P

I have no doubts that you'll like what's coming~ So I hope you'll stay tuned :-)

Saturday 14 June 2014

Sneak Peek o v o

Here's a couple sneak peeks from the next bunch of pages~! ;->

Don't know if they're a great sneak peek, but I thought I should share something with you so you know the comic's still in production! :-)
And to follow that, hopefully this'll keep you warm till the pages are ready to submit! (Which will hopefully be within the next couple of weeks! But I can't determine that!) >3<

You can view the other pages, plus more art from me, on my DeviantArt profile! :-)

Thanks for viewing~! ^//v//^

Monday 9 June 2014

All Done~!

Finally finished! Been away for the past week and haven't had the chance to work on this ; v ; but now it's done so it's okay! :->
Hope it was worth the wait~ <3

Sunday 18 May 2014

Well! That's it for the flat colouring!
Now for the cleanup/detail stage! :'-) <-- is actually dying inside

Sunday 11 May 2014

The Lineart is finished! <3 gosh, took me a little while actually! x o x
Now on to the colouring! ; v ;

Just finished sketching this out! <3 now starting on the inking! ;->

What this is for, is totes a big surprise! 6 v 9 *giggles cheekily*
See if you can guess who everyone is by this sketch! ;-> though that shouldn't be too hard! (hopefully..) >3>; lolol

Sunday 4 May 2014

Another Update~

Ahh! I can't believe it, I totally forgot to update on here as well as my other accounts! >3< sorry~! <3

Just a few drawings I've worked on through the week, perhaps I should put a few work in progresses up here as well next time? Might separate this Blogger from my other pages; just to make it a little more unique! hehe

Anyway, here's my latest artwork! ^^

I'm also working on my Comic at the same time, so I might not update often with pictures like these, unless I work pretty fast ^//v//^
I recommend keeping an eye out for my Blogs, I will probably leave some updates with a few sneak peeks screenshots of pages of my Pucca Comic I have not yet submitted to dA! ;-)